
Cultural Hegemony explains how a dominant culture’s power determines what types of ideals, norms, and ways of being are “c


Prejudice – a set of irrationally preconceived ideas, attitudes and opinions about a person, group or culture that are h


Justice – the concept and action of upholding the natural and inherent rights of human beings, both legally and in a soc


Microaggressions – non-overt, discriminatory interpersonal exchanges where one person sends a negative and harmful messa

Structural Violence

Structural Violence – the harm that larger structures and systems in society cause to people by perpetuating social ineq

Historical Trauma

Historical Trauma – emotional, spiritual, physical, and social effects of traumatic events on a group of people in the p

Power and Agency

Power – control certain members of a society have and exercise over other members of a society // Agency – the sen

Language and Culture

Language and Culture – one of many ways that people and cultures engage with others and the world; linguistic anthropolo

Norms and Taboos

Norms – certain types of behaviors in a society that are considered to be the standard // Taboos – things that are


Privilege – a special right, advantage, or immunity granted or available only to a particular person or group Each porta

Lived Experience and Values

Lived Experience – refers to the type of knowledge one has about the world as a result of experiencing the world in thei


Change – shifts within a culture or society that come as a result of a variety of social, economic, environmental, or po